Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Obamas: An American Family

The Obamas: An American Family

Since March, 2007, Barack Obama and his family have been in the public’s eye. When we look at them, we see a traditional and somewhat conservative family unit. What is being overlooked when they are heralded as the shining image of an African American family is that African Americans tend to be conservative with regard to their families. While there is great diversity in the composition of family units, most African Americans strongly value the ties that connect them to a family.

Because our public image has largely been constructed outside of our communities, Americans as a nation are all familiar with African Americans images that have been mediocre at best. However, the Obama family has presented a family face to the world that few outside of African American communities know. On Inauguration Day, we watched a poised Malia Obama photographing her father as he took the Oath of Office and charming Sasha Obama giving her dad the thumbs up afterwards. Yesterday we saw pictures of the Obama girls playing on a swing set outside of the Oval Office’s window. To some, those images may seem like an ideal. But to others, those images reflect our experiences of family life.

I am amazed at how much media buzz Mrs. Obama is receiving for stating that her girls have chores and that they are going to grow up as normal as possible. I’ve been having an “Is it me?” moment on that for a while. I’m not a parent but I have heard from friends who are that it is every parent’s goal for their children to grow up and get residences of their own. I have also heard from parents that they would like to visit a place where they’re not afraid to drink a glass of water. So my sisters I ask you, what messages do you think the American public will learn from the Obamas? I am eager to hear your thoughts about their views on family life.

Be well,
G-5 Sistah


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