Sunday, March 8, 2009

Surviving in tough times

Like most American women, Michelle Obama has her hands full. Keeping her daughters grounded as they grow up in the public’s eye, being a wife to the busiest man on the planet while maintaining her identity must present challenges that few of us can imagine. Yet, despite the extremes she is encountering, Mrs. Obama exemplifies all that women are doing to maintain their families during these tough economic times.

Whether a woman is the First Lady of the United States or an administrative assistant in California, we continue to be the glue that stabilizes families. The current recession has made most of us reflect carefully on our financial choices and spending habits. Being the resilient humans that we are-yes, my feminism and Spelman grounding are showing, we are making the necessary choices for our survival. For me, this recession has re-enforced my primary tent of not paying anymore than I have to for anything. I am at peace with the fact that I am a bargain hunter who borders on being cheap. Finding good bargains appeals to my primal hunter-gatherer root. It is that instinct that drives me to seek opportunities to come home with bags filled with what I need and still have money in my wallet.

I have no doubt that I am not alone in that practice. I’d like to hear from my sisters who are also working hard to get the most from their money. I look forward to hearing ideas about enjoying life frugally while planning our financial futures during uncertain times.

Be well,
G-5 Sistah


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know for me times are not the toughest, but they are not the best. I thank God that I am able to pay my bills on time and keep food in my stomach. However, I know the recession is teaching me the importance of having ample savings. I know personally this is hard for me because once I am done with my responsibilities I tend to spend the rest of my money luxuries and think about saving last. No job, career or investment is promised tomorrow. Honestly, if I lost my job today, I would be in bad shape. In addition to saving, the recession has made me take a hard and realistic look at my finances. I have started making goals and implementing plans to achieve them. I am a saver as well. I clip coupons, keep my eye out for a bargain, and more importantly know when to splurge vs. being practical. For instance sometimes there is nothing wrong with a generic brand of certain food products. Also, I might not need the latest purse, pair of shoes, etc. I think that we will all get through the tough times with a little planning and belt tightening.

March 10, 2009 at 4:00 PM  

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