Monday, November 3, 2008

History in the Making

Welcome Sisters,

The 2008 Presidential race has been a long, contentious battle. Tolerance for diverse ideas and openess to the restoration of democratic ideals have been pushed onto the backseat by the need for some Americans to find comfort in the status quo. The late Dr. Robert Brisbane of Morehouse College told his class full of bright eyed Political Science students that "Racism is just a tool for keeping the classes separated."

As we prepare for tomorrow's historic event, I'd like to hear your thoughts on what we've seen happening thus far. Though we are linked by our alma mater, Spelman College, there is diversity in our views, interests, and beliefs. It is my hope that this will be the first of many discussions that show our strength through the richness of our ideas.


Blogger Cake_Lady said...

We are living in a defining moment today. When we wake up tomorrow Nov. 5th, it is akin to waking on Dec. 8, 1941 or Sept. 12, 2001 - the world as we knew it would never be the same again.
And, the WORLD is watching today. Technology is being used that didn't even exist in prior elections. People in the Autralian outback and even in Bora-Bora have C-SPAN.
It's not about what affecting just America - many of the world's nations have their econimic health directly affected by the economic health of America. When our financial health falls down the stairs, a lot of others fall with us.
Many of these others, financial "heavy-hitters" in their own lands, are watching to see if something new, something positive can arise from the debacle of the last 8 years and, most critically, the last 8 weeks. They can easily put a hardline dollar figure on the massive losses that their
nations have recently suffered and are anxious to get back on an upward swing of financial growth. Quietly (and it has been kept QUIET) they have made their opinions known to the "powers that be" and stand ready to financially support the candidate that can bring about the change they need and expect.
But in the face of all that is happening with this election, let's not forget that the successful incumbent is President-elect. We STILL have a PRESIDENT for the next 72 days or so and we need to make the last days of his term days that he is being made accountable for the contributions of his administration to the hot, flaming piles of "mess" that he is leaving for the next man.
America needs to tell Mr. Bush that, while he is packing his things and waiting for Bekins to come move him back to his ranch, he needs to also "grab the Swiffer" - he's got a LOT to clean up.

November 4, 2008 at 7:55 AM  

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