Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sexism and Sarah Palin

When Sarah Palin was nominated as the Republican vice presidential candidate, I thought, "That's interesting." From the outset, I had a gnawing suspicion that she was selected because she was a woman and for that reason, I was insulted. At the same time, there was continuing fuss and bother over now President Elect Obama's selection of Joe Biden as his running mate- I'll save those thoughts for another blog. Again, I was insulted. As a Spelman woman and die hard feminist, I was waiting for the discourse to change and help me understand why those two women were the best women for the positions.

During the race, Sarah Palin had the opportunity to introduce herself to the American public, express her views, and promote the Republican's platform. Sarah Palin was an excellent running mate for John McCain. She did exactly what she was supposed to do. But in the wake of the McCain Palin defeat, I feel discouraged for Sarah Palin. Let me be clear, I despised how she willingly and eagerly carried forth a message of fear the African American man, blind patriotism for a questionable war, and the retention of American hegemony. However, I find myself wondering whether all of the post defeat fuss and bother over trivial matters that have little to do with her capacity to lead would be occurring if she were a man.

Let's hear what you think.

Monday, November 3, 2008

History in the Making

Welcome Sisters,

The 2008 Presidential race has been a long, contentious battle. Tolerance for diverse ideas and openess to the restoration of democratic ideals have been pushed onto the backseat by the need for some Americans to find comfort in the status quo. The late Dr. Robert Brisbane of Morehouse College told his class full of bright eyed Political Science students that "Racism is just a tool for keeping the classes separated."

As we prepare for tomorrow's historic event, I'd like to hear your thoughts on what we've seen happening thus far. Though we are linked by our alma mater, Spelman College, there is diversity in our views, interests, and beliefs. It is my hope that this will be the first of many discussions that show our strength through the richness of our ideas.